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Speeltoestellen uit je dromen.

On the 30th of November in the Pomeranian Centre of Education- an exciting art event for children took place - sponsored by Lars Laj.

Children enjoyed participating in art activities under the theme of “PLAYGROUNDS FROM DREAMLAND“.

The art display consists of children’s dream playgrounds. Their art work will be displayed for all Lars Laj’s guests.

All participants in the event were very talented – we wish all of them every success in the future.

Please visit our art display!

Playgrounds from Dreamland 1 Playgrounds from Dreamland 2
Playgrounds from Dreamland 3 Playgrounds from Dreamland 4
Playgrounds from Dreamland 5 Playgrounds from Dreamland 6
Playgrounds from Dreamland 7 Playgrounds from Dreamland 8